Summary of Boards and Committees
Audit Committee
Chaired by a member of the Congregation, along with two members nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Congregation. Committee members serve two-year terms that may overlap so there is continuity along with a fresh perspective. This committee annually conducts a full review between January and mid-April of all church financial records for the previous year and submits a written report to Session and the Congregation.
Buildings and Grounds Committtee
Moderated by an Elder on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee or the Chair. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committee, under the supervision of Session, is responsible for all church properties, buildings, and equipment including, but not limited to, repairs, maintenance, building use, borrowing of church furniture or equipment, and insurance coverage.
Communications and Technology Committee
The Committee goal is to provide oversight for unified, clear, accessible, and consistent information about the church’s mission, ministry, events, and calendar to the community and to the Congregation utilizing the North Star, email, social media, screens, Sunday bulletins, and the signage on College Avenue. This committee oversees the various equipment technologies and services necessary, including, but not limited to, audio/visual systems, contracts for web hosting, email accounts, and the church website.
Congregational Life Committee
Moderated by an Elder on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee and individually commissioned Deacons. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committee is charged with strengthening the Congregation by bringing members together outside of the worship service (fellowship), reviewing the Active Membership roll and recommending to Session those who should be transferred to the Associate Membership roll. This committee also organizes and coordinates the Deacons who minister to those who are in need, ill, friendless, homebound, hospitalized, or in distress.
Education Committee
Chaired by an Elder serving on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee or the Chair. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committee is charged with providing a variety of learning and mission opportunities throughout the year and devotional resources for adults and children, including youth ministry, wee worship, and Sunday School and reporting that curricula to Session annually. This committee shall ensure the classrooms are in good repair and well-stocked, recommend confirmation classes, provide Communion training for children/parents, encourage attendance at Camp Whitman, recommend youth safety policies for Session approval, and bring the youth into the life of the church.
Finance Committee
Chaired by an Elder serving on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee or the Chair. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committee is charged with educating the Congregation about sacrificial giving, establishing a stewardship program, developing an annual budget, communicating the financial status of the church to the Congregation, and overseeing that financial audits and reviews are undertaken.
Mission/Outreach Committee
Chaired by an Elder serving on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee or the Chair. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committee is charged with planning, organizing, initiating, and participating in events that bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all, including the coordination of welcoming and hospitality to visitors, maintaining the “meet your neighbor” pads, maintaining demographic information about the area, collaborating on new member classes, congregation and community dinners, mission support, mission trip opportunities, and keeping the communtity and Congregation aware of church actvities.
Nominating Committee
Chaired by an Elder serving on Session with four additional members elected by the Congregation annually. This committee is chared with recruiting members to serve as elders, deacons, at-large members of the Nominating Committee and members of the Audit Committee to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation for a congregational vote. This committee assists committee chairs with the recruitment of members for the various committees.
Staff Relations Committee
Chaired by an Elder serving on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee or the Chair. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committee is charged with overseeing the personnel issues of the church, including, but not limited to, writing and reviewing the job descriptions of all chruch staff members and evaluating the job performance of each staff member annually, recommending any salary adjustments, including the Terms of Call for the Pastor, communicating the information to the Finance Committee for budget preparation, and reviewing the personnel policy annually.
Worship and Music Committee
Chaired by an Elder serving on Session with members recruited by the Nominating Committee or the Chair. These members shall serve for a term of one year, not to exceed three consecutive years. This committtee is charged with collaborating with the Pastor on the various worship services held throughout the year, including style and time of worship, and presenting the annual schedule of the Lord’s Supper to Session for approval.